Sequel to "Bobbie Goes Public in TVia #18

by Bobbie (32-T-3)

"Bobbie Goes Public" in TVia No. 18 tells some- thing of my experiences in amateur theatricals and how this has given me a means for public, artificial, expression of my feminine self. Since there is much more to me than that, a fuller account seems appro- priate.

My upbringing was quite conventional. I was the second child of a middle class family in a typical mid-western city. Mother had yearned for a girl as the first child was a boy and she lost a second boy. Even though I was a disappointment from that point of view, I was raised as a boy in a strictly convention- al manner. With no girls in the family, domestic chores fell to my brother and me, but that was quite the usual thing in our neighborhood so no stigma was attached. Family life proceeded in average fashion with a strong emphasis on church life and educational training. My own education included high school and engineering training at the state university. I de- cided that a scientific career was what I wanted so I did graduate and post-graduate work in a physical science. My professional career has followed along these lines. Sounds conventional and proper and as I look back I realize it was just that.

In reviewing my background in search of any strong factors which might have contributed to my development as a transvestite, I can find none of great significance. There were bits and pieces which show from earliest days a latent urge which gradually found expression.

My interest in TVism goes back as far as my mem- ory will carry me. I can see myself clearly at the age of four or five "playing house" in the attic of a neighbors home and insisting that I be the mother. were decked out in old clothes we found there and had

